Sunday, August 24, 2008

1000 Sit Ups

I completed the pushup challenge yesterday, but I did sit ups instead due to my recurrent rib injury. Boy am I sore today.

As of yesterday at 2:00 pm, I had completed 660 sit ups. I was at 1000 at 7:30 last night. It is really amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it. (And bodies). The satisfaction from completing them was unbelievable, and I feel really good. The pain? It's good pain. It reminds me of the accomplishment, and has me in awe of how far I can push. Thanks for the challenge Sifus!

"If you have the courage to respect your body - the temple that houses the person that you are - personal mastery will not be far away. Each time you get into the gym for a workout on a day you just don't feel like exercising, you grow a little stronger as a human being. Each time you go out for a run on a cold winter's day when under the covers feels like the best place to be, you actualize your humanity just a little more. Working on improving your physical condition is a great way to improve your character and enrich the quality of your life. Good health is true wealth. What's the point of being the richest person in the graveyard?" - Robin Sharma.

This quote describes for me how I feel, each time I go to Kung Fu when I don't feel like it. I always feel so much better after. As well, as pushing myself physically with the sit ups, I feel so much better for reaching the goal.

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