Monday, September 1, 2008


Today is September 01. It has brought with it sunshine and some considerable anxiety. Not quite what I expected.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. Not a huge deal, or so I thought. Haley is going to grade 3, and I am really cool with that. Maya is going to grade 1. That will be a huge change for her, as now she is there all day, every day. Funny, how you hear of moms that get upset over the first day of Kindergarten, and their babies are growing up. Kindergarten didn’t bother me much at all. However, Maya in grade 1 is a hard one for me. She will be fine I am sure, but tomorrow morning, when I drop them off at school, and leave them in their new classrooms, I will feel a sense of loss.

Until then, I have some anxiety over it. Do I have everything? Is everything in their backpacks? I have to make their lunches again. Are they going to be ready on time? Heck, am I?

September 01 also brought the realization that I am indeed grading in oh about, 54 days. 39 training days left to be exact. I handed in my requirements on Friday, and it hit me today. I am intimidated, and that is a good thing, I think. It will keep me training hard, and focused.

Breathe in, Breathe out.

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