Tuesday, October 27, 2020

In a tunnel


I feel like I’m treading water right now. I have my goals that I have been working on, but as of right now, they are just out of reach. Stress, migraines, and and an overall sense of urgency without a purpose. Sorry, I don’t know how else to describe what where I am at.

But not to worry, this too shall pass, and I will be swimming forwards soon. There is no quitting.

I found this quote by Thich Nhat Hanh that really spoke to me:

“When you feel overwhelmed, you’re trying too hard. That kind of energy does not help the other person and it does not help you. You should not be too eager to help right away, there are two things: to be and to do. Don’t think too much about to do - to be is first. To be peace. To be joy. To be happiness. And then to do joy, to do happiness - on the basis of being. So first you have to focus on the practice of being. Being fresh. Being peaceful. Being attentive. Being generous. Being compassionate. This is the basic practice. It’s like if the other person is sitting at the foot of a tree. The tree does not do anything, but the tree is fresh and alive. When you are like that tree, sending out waves of freshness, you help to calm down the suffering in the other person.”

- Thich Nhat Hanh.

1 comment:

Malinda Ferris said...

The very first sentence of that really speaks to me. "When you feel overwhelmed, you're trying too hard." Such a simple reminder but one we need often. Thank-you for posting Sifu.