Monday, September 14, 2020

I fell asleep during Tai Chi...


Awareness of yourself is multifaceted. You are aware of your acts of kindness, hopefully aware of your emotions, and aware of where you fit in society. However, being aware of yourself in Kung fu requires a little more. It’s feeling how your body moves, comparing it to how it should look, and questioning what is going on when things don’t quite add up. But these questions should be first asked of yourself. Always relying on someone else to tell you what’s wrong doesn’t provide you with any tools for the future. Blasting through a form, while it might feel good, doesn’t mean it is good. And so you have to develop self awareness. How? Always try to ask yourself what is going on first, then if you still aren’t sure, then ask for assistance. We all move a little different, so it’s imperative that you learn to listen to your body and recognize when you are not quite in step. 

Sifu Brinker has said regarding the tiger claws in Lao Gar “ I asked myself if I felt the way Master McDonald looked.” This statement requires a lot of self awareness and that statement has stuck with me for a long time. I have asked myself if I look the way I feel, or how I think it should feel and vice versa. 

Just because it feels good, doesn’t mean it looks good.

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