Tuesday, September 22, 2020



We make choices so often each day, that we are not even aware of. And these choices start as soon as we wake up. We choose to either hit the snooze button or get up and at em right away. We make choices when we get ready for the day - work out perhaps, eat breakfast , leave for the day and so on.

Most of these are made without much thought, and are more than likely made on auto pilot. These choices however, can me monumental in size when you are struggling with your mental health. Over this past month or so, I’ve had to dig deep most days to get out of bed, and deeper still to not crawl back in. Every day I have chosen to keep moving forward. I chose to fight back against my mind, and I have been the victor with each choice. Except yesterday. I stopped fighting long enough to lay down in afternoon, but when my husband called, I was reminded to keep fighting. And so I got up and got moving again. Depression didn’t win, I did.

Going to Kung Fu was good for me. I considered staying home as I wasn’t sure I could handle interaction with people. But you guys aren’t just people. You guys continually inspire me and motivate me. I chose instead to go to class, and it did me so much good. I had a chat with a tiny tiger not too long ago about this exact thing. He didn’t participate in class, and my normally very smiley student was sad. During my chat with him after, I told him I had days where I didn’t want to come to class but I did anyway. And those were always my best classes. And it’s true to this very day.

If you don’t feel like doing it, do it anyway. You will always come out ahead.


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