Monday, July 27, 2020

Mindfulness and Moderation

When I eat a meal, I think I am mindful about 40% of the time. Actually, breakfast is when I am most mindful of what I eat.

Lately, my trigger or reminder, is the bowl of fruit on our table. I keep thinking about what it takes to get those apples and bananas here to my home for our consumption. My thought process is something like this. Someone had to plant all those apple trees. Then had to nurture them until they were able to produce. Once the apples were ready to pick, many people would have to be employed to pick them (obviously with some sort of machinery). Then they would have to be sorted, packed and loaded onto a truck or boat depending on where they are coming from. Once they arrive in Canada they need to be further sorted for the many distributors across the country. They arrive at the many stores where more people have to unpack and stock the shelves. And then finally, I come in to buy them.

So these apples have been touched by the earth, the sun, the rain and many, many people before they arrive at my table. How fortunate am I to be able to enjoy these apples? When I eat them, I should be aware of everything it took for me to enjoy their sweetness.

And my other thoughts are about how important agriculture is. How many orchards are there in order to supply our demand? What about everything else we eat? It is so easy to take our food for granted, as it’s so simple to obtain. When I am more mindful of what I eat, I am also more mindful of the quality of my food. What sort of fuel am I putting in my body? Don’t get me wrong, I am a sucker for chocolate, and chips and I enjoy the occasional pop. But I’m trying to eat better. Less processed food, and more quality.
More mindfulness.

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