Monday, April 27, 2020


I think the hardest part of being at home all the time, is not having the same routine. Although, our dog does help with that - he has a schedule and likes very much that we stick to it. He has been getting me out of bed earlier to feed him, and that’s a good thing. But the challenge is where to fit in our Kung Fu when we used to go to the Kwoon for classes. This is where I need to sit and build a routine. I am getting my kilometres in (thanks Bark Lee!) but that’s the most consistent thing I have. But...there are many times throughout the day, that I can take 5 minutes and can some reps in. The key, I think is just to try to stay mindful of where I am and what I am doing.

Monday, April 20, 2020

You are important

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you at never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” - Fred Rogers -

I was thinking about the one on ones that I have had with students, and this quote stuck with me. Teaching a class online with a group works, but there a sense of intimacy that is lost. These one on ones give me as an instructor, the opportunity to connect on a individual basis. I have really missed that. But we are lucky, that we have the technology and the privilege to be able to continue on. To work from home, to learn from home.

As a student, I am struggling a bit. My focus is mostly on teaching right now, and so my numbers are suffering. So what do I do? I recognize this, then make a plan to move forward and get things done

Monday, April 13, 2020


Today, just before I met with my one on one meetings outside on the deck, I took a moment. And in that moment, I didn’t think. I just closed my eyes, and felt the warmth of the sun on my face. I always feel the most at peace when I take those moments. Just a deep breath, and the warm light on me.

I find that while I am getting used to the isolating, I still feel stress, and often feel overwhelmed. But it’s these moments that re-ground me and allow me to carry on. I am grateful for this.

I am grateful that we can all still train together while still far apart. I am grateful that we are on this journey together. And I have hope that we will pull through together.

Monday, April 6, 2020

I’m Waving!

Yes I am. From back here. Yes, you’re going to have to turn around to see me as I’m straggling a little.

I’m a little behind in my requirements, some more than others. But I am still moving forward, not quitting. My training is more cerebral right now, with keeping the classes on line in the forefront. I struggle some days, but not every day and that’s a blessing. I have lots to keep me engaged, which does help in propelling me forward.

Thank you team, for being so awesome, and for waving back!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

2 Weeks

It’s been 2 weeks since we closed the doors at the Kwoon. 2 weeks since we have seen each other in person, face to face. 2 weeks into a new “normal”. So how are we doing? I think some of us are fairing better than others, but isn’t that to be expected? This isolation doesn’t bother me too much, as I am an introvert, and I don’t have much desire to get out without a pandemic to stop me.

Anyway, I have had the opportunity to connect with my students, and that means a lot. While streaming services have been cut back, and our video quality isn’t the same as last week, it still gives us a window of opportunity. I have had the chance for a couple of one on one sessions, and they were cool. I hope the students got as much out of them as I did.

On another note, I have encountered an area of my training that has been a struggle from day 1. And it boils down to intent. Not enough Grrr in my Kung Fu. Too much Tai Chi in my Kung Fu. A lack of intensity I guess. So, I have to shift my focus to this and continue on that path...Let’s see where I am in another 2 weeks.