Monday, March 2, 2020

No Journey is ever Straight

I have been trying to write this for an hour now. It’s almost as if I have too much to say, but no words to get my thoughts out. I very briefly considered putting this attempt to rest and trying it again tomorrow, but I know it’s a slippery slope.
Well, I had to come back to this a day later as I found myself with a case of canine paralysis (the dog crawled onto my lap, preventing me from further typing.).
I have been thinking a lot lately about how our lives never quite go the way we plan. We get sick or injured, or a family member does, or perhaps it’s the simple act of aging. We may lose a job, or start a family. Regardless, things rarely go exactly to plan. Which is why we need to develop the ability to adapt. Kung Fu teaches us this through forms, techniques, and through all of the tools we are given. The only caveat is we must be consistent in our training.
I could say that I didn’t complete 1000 pushups on Saturday because I spent 3 hours in the car to and from Camrose, and a couple of hours visiting there. But that’s just a poor excuse. I didn’t complete them because it wasn’t a priority, plain and simple. I recognize this and I see that I failed to adapt to my circumstances. I had lots of time at the school Saturday but only managed to get in 200 pushups.
There is a lesson here for me. I need to follow through on my promises and I need to focus more on adapting to the situation.
Here’s to the next challenge!

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