Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy New Year!

Every day is a day to begin anew.

I had a conversation with one of my kids the other day (week?) about resolutions. At the start of January each year, there is a lot of talk about New Years resolutions. And we all know, that for most people, their resolutions are just dreams by March as they fell off the wagon so to speak, and they just continue on and plan for next year.

I have learned over the years, in particular through the I Ho Chuan (but also through Thich Nhat Hanh), that every day is a chance to start over. Or if you get right down to it, every moment is a new opportunity. It’s never too soon to pick yourself up and start moving forward. Baby steps perhaps, but always forward.

There will always be days that are difficult to get things accomplished. But if we recognize this, give ourselves a break, and start over we are on the track to succeed.

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