Sunday, January 12, 2020


One of my requirements this year is to keep a daily gratitude journal. On one hand, it intimidates me to do this every day. But at the same time, I can see how it can and will benefit me.
It can be easy to get overwhelmed in our current society. We are bombarded with social media, and we seem to be busier than ever in our quest for more.
I think this will be a great tool, to break down my day, every day to the very basics that I know I take for granted. I am sure that when I feel overwhelmed, I can simply open up my journal and re-centre myself with my previous posts.
I can start this today with a couple of things. I am grateful for being able to sit by a fire and snuggle with our dog, while my husband sits close by. I am grateful that he cut wood and built the fire. I am grateful as I write this that I am able to participate in the I Ho Chuan this year. I could keep going, but that is for the journal...

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