Monday, November 12, 2018

Still breathing

I’m still breathing. I am still moving forward, although not always at a speed that’s visible. I am still adapting. I am doing my requirements, but am not where I should be at this time. I write down my numbers when I think of it, so there is a lot that are unaccounted for.

I am the only one responsible and I am the only one who can change this.

I usually start getting excited this time of year, as we start to prep for Chinese New Year. But this year I am finding it harder to psyche myself up. I worry about how I am going to handle all the practices physically, and how well I’ll be able to handle the whole day of the banquet. But now that I have this written, I understand that there is no point in worrying about it yet. The best thing to do, is to do my best each day. And to take each day as it comes. I’ll adapt. I’ll move forward. I’ll keep breathing.

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