Sunday, June 17, 2018


Family is important to me. And I am grateful to have an amazing family. Both my Kung Fu family and the ones I am related to.

I was invited to a baby shower yesterday, for someone in my new family. I had a lot of anxiety because I have only met the new mom a couple of times, and while I did know my mother in law would be there, I was still way out of my element. Every part of me wanted to stay home, but I knew that I would have regrets. And I am so glad that I pushed myself, as it was a great day.

If I let my anxiety or my depression win, I wouldn’t be where I am today. ( but sometimes it does win) If I didn’t have my family that believed in me, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It is easy to take the path that allows us to stay in our comfort zone. However it doesn’t allow us the opportunity to grow.

Our demos can be intimidating to perform in. But if we avoid trying, we will have difficulty in overcoming them. Our Kung Fu family is all about supporting and encouraging each other. Let’s cherish that and grow together.

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