Monday, June 25, 2018

Ack! There’s pepperoni on my back?

No, I did not lay on a bed of meat. I had an acupuncture appointment and had cupping done. However, when my daughter glanced at my back, she said it looked like I had pepperoni on it and started laughing her butt off.

Well, it’s all part of my self care. I have tried many things to help ease my fibromyalgia symptoms, and a few have helped a little temporarily. But the acupuncture and cupping are what is helping the most for me to get a decent nights sleep.

Self care is so important, not only when we are training in Kung Fu, but in our everyday lives. It’s so easy to get caught up in a hurricane of stuff, but we cannot sustain that kind of a pace without consequences. Taking a day off once a week from your requirements to allow your body to rest is vital. Taking time to shut off your electronics and unplug from the world for a little is vital for your mind. Connecting with your family in person is vital for your soul.

Self care means reaching out when you are struggling. It’s recognizing where you are, and what you need. Self care can be hard, as we don’t always recognize when we need it. But looking out for each other, goes a long way.

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