Sunday, May 27, 2018


Yesterday was about family and community. It was about kindness. It was about supporting each other, and it was about having fun. It was both a finale and a beginning to raising awareness and making change.

I am sure that what we have in our school isn’t unique, but it is something that I really appreciate and cherish. The Pandamonium reminds me of what we can accomplish together, and how we can change the world.

Thanks to everyone who was involved, whether you were there for 5 minutes or the whole day. Thanks to everyone who organized, who volunteered, who gave a piece of themselves. It wouldn’t have been a success without you.

Monday, May 21, 2018


I know that if I don’t write this now, it probably won’t get done this week. So while my head hurts and I am trying to feel motivated, I figured I should just write. I’m not sure where this post will lead, but I am sure it will go somewhere. It’s like our journey. In order for it to evolve in any way, we have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Train when you don’t feel like training. Write, when you don’t feel like you have anything of worth to say. Do something kind when you are in a bad mood.

When life is sitting on us, and it feels like we can’t move, somehow our hearts keep beating, and our lungs keep breathing. So keeping that in front of me, I trust that if I keep moving forward, keep as positive as I can and keep my mentors close by, I can achieve achieve anything. My journey will unfold. Maybe not as I thought it would, but that’s where the hidden gems lie. If you keep showing up, eventually you will be in the right place at the right time and something wonderful will happen.

And something wonderful did happen. This post practically wrote itself, and all I had to do is sit down and start typing. High five!

Monday, May 14, 2018

In the garden

I was down with a migraine yesterday so I didn’t write my blog like I had wanted. The issue now, is I have no idea what to write about. I feel comfortable about where my forms are, and my other requirements are coming along ok right now.

I spent some time in the garden today, and it felt really nice to get in there. I’m not an avid gardener, nor am I really very good. I am also somewhat squeamish when it comes to the life within the dirt. But today gave me some time to just be, and to reflect. I am thankful for my family, and the love and support they give me. I am thankful for my Kung Fu family, for their support and kindness. I am thankful for being able to plant a garden, and to feel the sun on my face. I am thankful to be here, in this moment.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Sweet Sixteen

Our youngest is 16 years old today. 16. And when I think about it, I realize that I have been training in Kung Fu for 15 of those years. A long time on one hand, but barely any time on the other. I still have so much to learn.

Looking back, I still remember her birthday vividly. Her blue eyes staring at me in the middle of the night, all bright eyed and bushy tailed having slept through all the visits throughout the day. And now here we are. I watched her train in Kung fu for 11 years and watched her attain the her 2nd degree brown belt. She doesn’t train anymore, but I can see all of the good lessons it has taught her.

As I sit here and reflect, I have also come to realize how lucky I am to have been able to watch some students grow up. I have seen many go from the Lil Leopards all the way up to the teen/ Adult classes. It really reminds me that time flies, and that we need to cherish all of the moments that we can.