Monday, April 30, 2018

Humility, empathy and compassion

“What humility does for one is it reminds us that there are people before me. I have already been paid for. And what I need to do is prepare myself so that I can pay for someone else who has yet to come but who may be here and needs me.” - Maya Angelou -

I love this quote. It says so much, and applies to everything. We pay our respect for those that came before us when we bow in and out of class. I think about this every time I am on the mats. Because of those that have given us this gift of Kung Fu, I am able to learn, and pass it on to the students of today. And they will be able to pass it on in the future.

We are so very lucky to be training in a traditional martial art. In a world where it seems to be every man for himself, we strive to give to each other and our community. We learn empathy and compassion, as the back bone of our self defence. And because of this, we can change the world.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Progressing wisely

Patience and progressing wisely. A simple phrase to keep in front of myself at all times. I need to be patient with myself and with others when it comes to learning new things. And the same applies to recovering from injuries or illness. Progressing wisely is important as we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others on our journey, nor in our recovery. It’s knowing when to push ourselves and when to stop. When to apply our patience, and when to challenge ourselves.

We are teaching our daughters to drive, and to drive a stick shift no less. It requires a lot of patience, as what comes naturally to us, isn’t so natural for them. It’s knowing when to be compassionate and when to push a little harder. I recognize that I am a little nervous in the passenger seat, so it requires a little more effort on my part to be calm and to laugh at the little mistakes that they make. I have made them count less times too.

When we practice Kung Fu, we need to be patient with ourselves when we take a little longer to understand a concept, and we need to know when to push ourselves just a little harder. But we also need to listen to our instructors, as they have been there before us, and have already experienced the path before us. They are patient with us, and they offer us the tools to progress wisely. It’s up to us to listen and follow through.

Monday, April 16, 2018

For the love of art...

For the love of art. No, I’m not the artist I wish I was, nor am I the artist that our daughter is. I learned a lot last Saturday when our daughter and I took a Watercolour class together. It was a birthday gift for her, and a I Ho Chuan goal for myself.

It was a great day as I got to spend some serious quality time with her, and watching the joy on her face as she created is something that I will forever cherish. I learned that day, that I am very hard on myself and spent a lot of time trying not to compare myself to her or to the others in the class. I learned that when it comes to creating art, I am not good with details and prefer to create images that are more abstract and less precise. Our Haley is all about the details.

This got me thinking about my eye for detail when it comes to Kung Fu. I know it’s there, but I also realized that sometimes I miss the details because my mind is already somewhere else. I have to work on that, and it will start with being more mindful. Stopping and asking myself that very valuable question: “Where am I and what am I doing?”

I couldn’t upload her painting, but it can be seen here on Instagram @c0rrupted.king

Monday, April 9, 2018


Kindness is...not random
Kindness is...something we need more of
Kindness act of selflessness
Kindness is...a smile to a stranger
Kindness extra hug to a loved one
Kindness is...doing a little extra for someone else
Kindness is...a warm hand on a cold night
Kindness is...a phone call when you feel alone
Kindness is...listening to stories of the good old days from older generations
Kindness is...making breakfast for your loved one
Kindness is...a ripple in a giant pond
Kindness is...has a butterfly effect
Kindness is...the warm feeling you get in making someone else’s day
Kindness is...thoughtful and requires little energy

Monday, April 2, 2018

Where is the value?

Where is the value in blogging? Where is the value in reading our teammates blogs? Or the value in leaving a like or a comment?

I find that although finding words or mining out my thoughts to write a blog can be difficult, it’s crucial in the journey. It marks places where you are having difficulties, where you are having successes and is a great place to mark your path. It serves to sort out the weeks goals and review them. It helps to keep you accountable, both to yourself and to the team.

Reading your teammates blogs, keeps you connected when you are away, or when you feel a disconnect. We can help each other if we know where we are all at, and what we are struggling with. I sometimes get motivated by reading other blogs, and inspired by the journeys taking place around me.

And the value in liking and/ or commenting? It let’s us all know that we are not alone in the journey. I won’t always comment, as there isn’t always something to say. However I do make an effort to read them all (or watch) and I appreciate the same.

We are a team, and while we have separate journeys, we are going through this together. Through all the ups and downs, there is strength in numbers. Together we can accomplish great things.