Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ha Ha!

I have a few ideas floating around around my head right now, but I am also not feeling great at the moment so I hope this is linear. Please bear with me. Bare with me? No, it’s got to be bear with me. Right?

Today was a rest day, which was totally needed, both physically and mentally. And my family is super supportive so they helped distract my weary brain, and I felt lots of love today. Which was needed, and for their time and love I am totally grateful. Thanks family.

My requirements are coming along, and I am already much further ahead than I was last year at this time. My new app is helping quite a bit. I am still learning the Tai Chi Broadsword form, and will have that down by the end of March I hope. I definitely connect with Tai Chi, and am really enjoying this form so far.

I am going to be taking an art class with my daughter in early April and I am really looking forward to that. I am not as talented as she is, but it will be awesome to spend the day with her and be creative together.

Yes, this is a choppy blog, but you were warned that it wasn’t going to be great. You kept reading, so that’s on you. Ha ha!

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