Sunday, March 25, 2018

Apparently, you can’t reason with a zombie...

I took a test for fun recently to find out my role in the event of a zombie apocalypse and I’d be the voice of reason. But I was told you can’t reason with zombies, and growing cauliflower to confuse them wouldn’t actually work. Oh well.

I’ll just work on my sword skills then. My Tai Chi Broadsword to be precise. I am ready to show what I have, but I haven’t completed the whole form yet, however I plan to have this done in the next 2 weeks. It is coming along, and so far my wrists are holding up, which was a concern going in.

I think I will have to speed up my form in order for it to look presentable in a demo though (and in the case of a zombie invasion).

Monday, March 19, 2018


I missed my blog day yesterday due to a migraine, so here it is, albeit a day late. This past week, I have been thinking about those that came before us and that have helped to shape us as we are today.

My thoughts were with family members that are no longer with us, and also with the martial arts masters that have passed. The people we surround ourselves with have an influence on the decisions we make and the values that we hold close.

I have also considered where I might be if not for our past masters. I don’t know what my life would look like, but I can say that I am truly grateful to be learning Kung Fu and to be living a life of consequence. I have seen what it has done for myself, for my daughters, and for our whole family. I am in Canada, learning a martial art that only 50 years ago I might not have had the opportunity because I am not Chinese.

Over the last 15 years, I have seen the faces around me change. I no longer hang around with the people I used to and I contribute this to my evolution. My values have changed, and I know I am a better person than I used to be. And this is reflected in the people I surround myself with.

I am thankful for my family, my Kung Fu family, and the opportunities that I have had.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ha Ha!

I have a few ideas floating around around my head right now, but I am also not feeling great at the moment so I hope this is linear. Please bear with me. Bare with me? No, it’s got to be bear with me. Right?

Today was a rest day, which was totally needed, both physically and mentally. And my family is super supportive so they helped distract my weary brain, and I felt lots of love today. Which was needed, and for their time and love I am totally grateful. Thanks family.

My requirements are coming along, and I am already much further ahead than I was last year at this time. My new app is helping quite a bit. I am still learning the Tai Chi Broadsword form, and will have that down by the end of March I hope. I definitely connect with Tai Chi, and am really enjoying this form so far.

I am going to be taking an art class with my daughter in early April and I am really looking forward to that. I am not as talented as she is, but it will be awesome to spend the day with her and be creative together.

Yes, this is a choppy blog, but you were warned that it wasn’t going to be great. You kept reading, so that’s on you. Ha ha!

Monday, March 5, 2018

My journey

As with previous years, my journey is and will be defined by mental illness. Depression and anxiety have been personal acquaintances for as long as I can remember.

During the year of the rooster, I let them lie to me and my blogging and requirements suffered because I gave in. This year I am striving to fight the whole time.

It can be difficult to write when my mind is screaming at me that I am not good at anything, but I just need to start. Once I start, the process kicks in and the words are there. One blog I wrote during one of those darker times, was about success. A success can be as simple as getting out of bed and getting dressed. It can be as simple as putting one step out the door when your mind is telling you to crawl under the covers.

I am not under any illusions that I won’t have difficult days, today being one of them. However, if I simply do my sit-ups and push-ups, I am further ahead. I will keep forging ahead, and I won’t give up. I will let the good days lead me forward, and I will try to keep my perspective.

There is an orange tabby in my lap right now, and that makes me happy.