Sunday, November 27, 2016

Am I in or out?

I realized yesterday that I miss the I Ho Chuan. I miss being a part of the demos, and working hard with everyone. Watching the practice yesterday though, had me questioning myself and my strengths. I see so many with so much to offer, and it got me wondering what I bring. Or what I could bring.

But does that really matter? I am forever a student, and that in itself is a wonderful thing. Being in a place and time where I can learn every day without fear. The only obstacle that prevents me from learning is myself. So what am I doing? I talked a little with Sifu Brinker yesterday about maybe joining the team next year, and I was excited. But then I started to think about my weapon, and my limitations and that had me doubting myself. However, the more I think about it, the sillier my doubt is. I just have to do my best everyday. As long as I am always striving to better today than yesterday, then I have already come out ahead.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It's out there.

Right now I am feeling motivated and inspired. I am eager to train more, to learn some more, and live Kung Fu more.


I had the opportunity to walk in a very old forest, and the energy I felt was incredible. It was a very grounding experience and one that I will never forget. The week I was off was a good way to reset, and recharge. While the world seems to be in a tumultuous state, I am trying to focus on approaching each day with positivity and with peace in my heart. We can make positive change in the world around us, and it doesn't have to be on a large scale.


I read about some kindness in Toronto today. A man got on the subway, obviously very stressed out. Someone asked him if he was ok, to which he replied he had a headache and was late for a job interview. One person offered a pain killer, another offered her child's juice box to take it, another person gave him a hair elastic to tie his hair back and they all gave him a pep talk to get through his day. I love reading stories like this as it renews my hope in humanity. Kindness is out there.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Today is a new day. Everyday I wake up, I am blessed with 24 new hours, that are open to endless possibilities.

Today, I wake up knowing that I have my amazing family beside me. They keep me going, they keep me laughing, they keep me full of love.

Today, I wake up knowing I have an amazing opportunity to train in kung fu with some wonderful people.

Everyday, I wake up anew. I might get stressed. I might feel frantic. I might feel dark. But, I am blessed. My best friend walks beside me, my family is always close.

Life is good.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Team

The Tiger Challenge was inspiring. I learn so much from watching all of the students and black belts compete. You can see all of the hard work that has been put into it, and I hope that all of the competitors feel proud of their accomplishments. It doesn't matter if you placed or not, as you have taken another big step in your training. Nicely done!


I have definitely felt the difference in not being on the I Ho Chuan team this year, as some of my goals have not seen enough of my attention. I still have goals, and I will still work on them, but it's a different accountability. As an instructor, I am accountable to my students, their parents, and my fellow black belts. However, without a team beside you, it becomes a different journey.


I am still moving forward, albeit slowly. Injuries have a tendency to do that and I am not 100% yet. But I am moving forward.