Monday, September 14, 2015

It started with no shoes

I work downtown, and when I leave the building at lunch, I enjoy people watching. We wonder where they are off to, marvel at the interesting outfits, and smile at the busyness. However, one day last week, a man strolled by, and it took a few seconds to realize that he wasn't wearing shoes. That started a conversation about the homeless/ or less fortunate, and what is out there for help, but really it's not about just giving someone shoes, or clothes to help them stay warm(although that does help). It boils down to mental illness, a lack of resources, and the stigma that surrounds it.

We had the opportunity to perform a lion dance for the Rotary Run for Life yesterday. Each year it is a blessing to be able to support the suicide prevention program in our community. We need to be brave enough to ask if someone is suicidal, and we need to be strong enough to help ourselves and others get past the stigma.

So how do we get past the stigma? The first step, is to learn more and to talk about it. Talk about it until you are comfortable with it. Mental illness affects more people than we can imagine, but it's invisible, so it's easy to ignore. But I know, that with empathy and compassion, we can make a difference.


Jeff Brinker said...

Excellent, excellent post!

Vince Krebs said...

Sure like this Sifu. It is easy to see the symptoms less so the cause. Wishing I was at the Rotary Run.....