Monday, March 2, 2015

I choose...


I can't quite remember exactly where I was going to go with this topic as all I wrote down last week was perspective and no points to go with it. Oops.


Anyway, how we choose to react to a statement, or a situation is directly influenced by our perspective. Or rather, how we choose to react. I am sure we all notice that when we are in a bad mood, we snap or snarl over almost anything. A cute cuddly kitty can make us growl. Or, if we are in a good mood, people being jerks can make us smile and think about lollipops and unicorns.


Something I am trying to work on, is taking that pause, a moment to breathe a little longer before I speak so that I can make a difference. I think that the key is being mindful, and using empathy and compassion to try to relate first and foremost. Recognizing your state of mind and choosing the path of compassion will get us much further in everything we do.


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