Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Lorax Project 2015

I did this project several years ago, and I am doing it again this year as it's an important part of self defence. The project focuses on the environment, and the importance of taking care of it.

I strongly recommend the you read the book "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss. Or at least watch the movie. It is what inspired me for this project and it says a lot.

The project will be digital, as that has the least environmental impact. It will be a compilation of either a short letter, or a photo from all students who wish to participate. It will be posted on the website, and possibly parts on the kwoon's monitor. It will be a bit different for the kids classes, so you will have to stay tuned to see what that is...

The project will be showcased as of April 22, 2015. Earth Day.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015


One of my requirements is to add one mindful thing every two months into my daily routine. I say every two months because it is challenging to do. For now and next month I am working on eating mindfully. It's hard, and I have a long ways to go with it. It means slowing down, focusing on what I am doing, and thinking about where and how this food ended up in front of me. It is slowly making me look at food different, and to not take it for granted.


On the other hand, I have become more aware of my speed at work in particular. Basically, when I walk somewhere, I march. I am on a mission. I am getting things done. It's a good strategy when I walk on my coffee breaks, but maybe not so much during work. So I hope to get better with mindful eating, and maybe next it will be mindful walking...



Monday, March 9, 2015

Project Lorax

This year I am resurrecting the Lorax project that I did in 2008. (


That was a long time ago, but the state of our environment is something we should all take care of. It is something people take for granted, and disregard responsibility because it doesn't matter for their lifetime. A lot of people seem to want what serves them now, not what we are leaving for our kids, grandkids, and beyond. Our consumption isn't sustainable, which brings me to my project.


I am still working out the details, but the gist of it is this: I would like to get the whole school thinking about what we are doing now, what else we can do, and of course to raise more awareness. The earth matters - now!


Over the next couple of weeks, I will be posting requests for submissions for this project and I can't wait to see what grows! This will cumulate until Earth Day - April 22, 2015.


Monday, March 2, 2015

I choose...


I can't quite remember exactly where I was going to go with this topic as all I wrote down last week was perspective and no points to go with it. Oops.


Anyway, how we choose to react to a statement, or a situation is directly influenced by our perspective. Or rather, how we choose to react. I am sure we all notice that when we are in a bad mood, we snap or snarl over almost anything. A cute cuddly kitty can make us growl. Or, if we are in a good mood, people being jerks can make us smile and think about lollipops and unicorns.


Something I am trying to work on, is taking that pause, a moment to breathe a little longer before I speak so that I can make a difference. I think that the key is being mindful, and using empathy and compassion to try to relate first and foremost. Recognizing your state of mind and choosing the path of compassion will get us much further in everything we do.