Sunday, September 28, 2014

Forms sparring

I learned something this week, and it reinforced how forms training is really the base for our techniques and our sparring.

Wednesday was a sparring day, and I had the opportunity to spar with my daughter. She hasn't sparred in about 5 years,so I wasn't expecting what happened.

Keep in mind that while I am a bit biased in my opinion, I was truly impressed with her skills. She had some good combinations, and she made good use of her reach. She kept me on my toes, and we had a lot of fun.

Practicing our forms, mindfully and often serves as a great tool for our kung fu.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

So proud

I am always proud of our students when they accomplish something. Whether it's an "aha"!" moment, a stripe earned, or a promotion, they are all made of discipline and hard work.


I had the pleasure of watching one of my students earn his blue belt yesterday. I have watched him grow, overcome adversity, and his journey has left a mark in mine. I am so proud.


It was also a learning experience for me yesterday - it pointed out ways I can improve myself, and was a friendly reminder that I will always be a student, and let me tell you that was exciting! 12 years in and I have barely touched the surface of what I have yet to learn. And most of those lessons will be from students, that I may not have even met yet. That's pretty cool...




Sunday, September 7, 2014

A wee break

My family took a much needed holiday at the end of August. It was nice to get away briefly and getting back into things was a little more difficult that I imagined.

At any rate, while it stepped back from physical training during my break, I still managed to get some mental training in. This basically consisted of letting things go for a while, and being in the moment. I managed to do a little bit of walking meditation, and spent time in nature. It was good for the soul.

Now that school is in and our routine is taking its form once more, I hope to find a way to be in the moment more.



Monday, September 1, 2014

It's a new year

Tomorrow we send our kids back to school. On one hand, it will be great for them to get into a routine, but at the same time, I find myself a little sad. They grow up so fast - it feels like yesterday that would crawl into my lap for a cuddle or a story. Now we are in the last year before my oldest gets to high school. Yikes.

The summer brought way smaller classes in Kung Fu, and I imagine that this week will bring us up to our regular numbers. The summer was good for those who still came to class as they had more individual attention, and now we will see how many practiced these last couple of months.

Anyway, it's a fresh new year with boundless opportunities.

Welcome back!