Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's a double!

Two trains of thought today. Funny as some weeks, I struggle to formulate anything to write about.

First up. I stepped way out of my comfort zone this week and I survived. I mean, of course I did. How silly of me! I am not fond of situations where I don't know anyone, let alone have to interact with strangers. I took a 3 day course in the hopes of further defining my current position at work. Not only was the course content not what I expected, we had role plays and group brainstorming sessions. It was a challenge for me, but thankfully most of the other people there were able to make me feel more comfortable. I am glad it's over though.

And second, I was the recipient of 2 acts of kindness yesterday. Usually, we focus on the things we do for others, so it's a very humbling experience to receive an act of kindness. One of my Lil Leopards made valentines day cookies, and it touched me to have one given to me. And I have to thank his mom, Mrs. Werbicki for the beautiful tulips she gave me. She read my blog last week, and wanted to give me these. It was hard not to cry, as that's the power of these acts. Please accept my heartfelt thanks!


My thought for the day - give someone a hug. It's free,and the feelings are priceless.



Yitzik said...

You earned many hugs with all the hard work you are doing with all these kids.

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

How about a cyber hug? I missed you yesterday!