Sunday, August 26, 2012

You can't fail if you don't quit


A month or so ago, I posted that I was going to finish some of moms quilts, and my goal had been 1 per month. Well, that isn't going to happen yet. I was over zealous in thinking the healing process would be simpler and faster if I jumped in head first.

Well, I was really, really wrong. It is still really difficult to look at her projects, let alone work on them. However, I haven't failed in this goal, as I haven't quit. I do intend on finishing them, but I have to keep in front of me that I can't rush the healing process. And that is exactly what it is. A process.

Our Kung Fu journey is really a process, as is becoming involved with the school. The process being that you don't give up, and every time you fall you get up again. You get a little further each time you get back up and before you know it, your goal is adapting to your progress.

Silent River's renovations also are a process. Each year, we put in our sweat and blood, and each year the result is different. But the soul of the school stays the same. We have expanded, and changed things around but we adapt and become part of the process. The spirit of the school, our Kung Fu family stays the same while the surroundings are refreshed.

I love the fresh start we have every September, and the excitement it brings. It always reminds me how spectacular our journey is and how lucky we really are.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Not a roundhouse!

This week, while going full out with Kempo, I realized that my back kick needs work. Seriously. I noticed I am lifting my centre, which is definitely a no no, and therefore I lose a lot of power and stability. There was a transition in 18 Temple Motions that took me a long time to get good at (haven't mastered it yet), and it took changing the way I looked at it, as well as really focusing on where my centre was. So now I have to apply the same thing here. I need to really focus on my centre, my harmonies, and my vectors, so that I can execute that kick quickly, accurately and with power. I see lots of kicking in my future. It doesn't get much more awesome than that...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ugh, stress.

What do you think of when you think of stress? Is it physical stress, or a stressful situation? Or is the stress from trying to find the balance between work, kung fu, family?


I think it's easy to forget that after a while, stress can just become backround noise, and it isn't until your body overtakes your mind and the reality sets in. Huh? Basically, over time the stress eats at you, and what your mind endures, so does your body.


That's when it's time to stop and take in your surroundings. Or take stock of what the heck is going on. Your body is a window - and it very easily lets us know when something is amiss. We just have to quiet our minds and listen. Not always an easy thing to do however.


So now what? First, figure out what is going on. Then take the steps needed to eliminate them if possible. If they cannot be eliminated, then find a good, healthy way to cope. Whether it's meditation, journalling, or simply taking the time to take care of yourself. (we do deserve that). And if we cannot do this on our own, we need to ask for help.


I know long term stress isn't good. It wears you down, and leaves you in a vulnerable position. But the key is to recognize it and do something about it. I didn't, and I am paying the consequences. But I am not complaining - this is my reality check. (And vacation is coming!)


Take care everyone. We only have one body, and one mind. We need to treat both with considerable respect.



Sunday, August 5, 2012


I have been pondering my blog for most of the day, and am not completely sure where to start. I have days like that, as I am sure we all do at some point, where I have all of these ideas, plans, or things that I want to do, and it's overwhelming because you just don't know where to start. However, blogging is a great way to weed through all mush in my head, and voila! There's my path!


I took my kids to the pool today, and watched them play without abandon. I was a little envious, as they were completely in the moment, and having an absolute blast. But sitting on the sidelines got me thinking about what I consider important, and what I want to be doing right now. I am still trying to find a balance with kung fu and family - what was once fairly simple has gotten a bit more complicated since mom passed. But I know this will settle with time, and I have what I need right now. I am not training like I used to, but I am still training, and I think that's the key. Not to give up. Ever. Now is just not my time to go full out physically, but I can easily work on my mental training.


Kung fu is a journey, not a destination. Sure we set goals, but those are steps on the journey. I have the rest of my life to continue Kung Fu, and as long as I stay connected, and train smartly, nothing can stop me from reaching farther, and becoming a better person.