Sunday, March 25, 2012

Being Mindful

 I have been reading a book by Thich Nhat Hanh "Peace is every breath", and it has made me pause and consider my meditation practice.  Or the lack thereof.  


There is always time to meditate - whether we are making a meal, or walking through the parking lot to work.  The key is to be mindful.  Being in the very moment, with our entire being.  I recognize that I haven't been in the moment lately, and my stress level shows it.  I have added a couple of power walks at work during my coffee breaks, but I am not mindful.  I am quite sure that my mind is racing as fast as my legs are carrying me.  So with this in mind, starting tomorrow, I am going to stay in the moment when I walk at coffee.  And when I need to switch tasks, I am going to take a deep cleansing breath.  


I know my mind and soul will thank me.  


Sunday, March 18, 2012


 We have moved our annual Pandemonium to May this year instead of competing with all the other fundraisers in November.  I am really looking forward to it this year.  It is going to 24 hours of non stop Kung Fu!  But it doesn't stop there - we are going to have many things going on including games and all out good training times.


May 5th is our planned day at the kwoon.  We hope to spread awareness for our charities, and to teach empathy.  Do we truly understand how fortunate we are to go to school?  Or to know we don't have to worry about where our next meal will come from?  Where might we be if a family member needed specialize equipment to function or get around?  And while it can be easy to turn our cheek to all the unwanted animals out there - they need our love and protection.  How often do we think about mental illness?  Or how serious it can be?  These are the reasons that I am excited for the Pandemonium.  I want to make a difference.  


My daughter asked me today if I was a philanthropist.  It made me think about how she sees me, and perhaps how the world might see me.  Does that mean that I am making a difference, no matter how small I think it is?  It also made me realize that my actions are also shaping my children and perhaps guiding them to changing the world.  They made a point of collecting clothing/ supplies for a homeless shelter, on their own!   And I know that there are also many people in our kwoon that also make significant contributions to our community here and far away.  


By participating in the Pandemonium, we are taking things into our own hands.  We are spreading awareness, teaching empathy and compassion, and having a great time doing it!!!


Can't wait to see you all on Saturday May 5th!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

There was a quote about control...

 This week's blog has been a tough one to start.  Mentally, I don't feel I can do this today, but deep down I know it is exactly what I need to be doing right now.  


I reacted to a situation today in a way I am not proud of.  I may have over reacted, and I know for a fact I was not looking at things in a positive light.  However, I think that because I recognize my thoughts and actions, I can reflect on them, learn from them, and hopefully react differently if it happens again.  It's important to keep things in perspective and keep what the issue is really about in front of you.  


The same applies to Kung Fu.  If you are doing a form or techniques and they just don't feel right, stop.  Listen to your body and see or feel what is going on.  Is your brain engaged somewhere else?  Do you have an injury you are unaware of?  Are you mentally or physically exhausted?  Think about where you are at, before you become frustrated with the journey.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

The time is now

My brain feels full and it's been difficult to concentrate. I also had a lot of potential today, but instead I vegged out - read a book, played some games, and did some crafts with my daughter. I guess if you think about it, it was a good day. Most days I am running around or at least it feels that way, so today was a needed break.

I was thinking about forms yesterday (today too to be honest). I was breaking them down, and trying to really see what it is we are doing in the form. When am I blocking and countering, what am I blocking, and why I am moving in the directions that I am. These are things we need to be aware of - and they will be different for everyone. I might be gouging someone in the eye, while the next person might be striking the throat. The idea however, is to be aware of why you are moving the way you are, and to install purpose into your forms.

During one of the classes this week, a black belt mentioned that all of our Kung Fu is in our forms. There lies the base for our sparring and our techniques. Fortunately for me, I love forms.

Insert segway...

Although, while I love forms, I watched some MMA girls fighting this weekend, and was totally inspired. I know I am not as comfortable sparring as I could be, nor am I comfortable on the ground. But as of right now, I want to get in there, and get dirty. I'm stoked!!!