Monday, July 25, 2011

Bare Feet

I am a firm believer in journaling, and while I have no idea what to write about today, I know that once I start some thoughts will form. Hopefully it makes sense.

My training is going alright. I got recertified in first aid last week, and it feels good to have that off my plate. I hope I never have to use it, but one never knows what life will bring.

I spent some time outside with my girls yesterday, and was amazed at how many dragonfly’s there was. I sat reading with my bare feet in the grass (an awesome feeling), and had one land on my book. My oldest spent considerable time trying to get them to land on her hand, and was fairly successful. It was just amazing to see them, and not be swatting mosquito’s constantly.

On another note, I have the forest outside my window. Actually, my one daughter made a bird house in school, and we hung it just outside my window. We have baby birds in there, and there chirping is a sweet sound. It isn’t something we hear much in the city, and it is so refreshing to wake up to that sound. It starts my day off with a smile, and a gently reminder to live in the moment.

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