Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kung Fu

I realized something not too long ago, and it became more evident this week in my older daughter.

I noticed her coordination in her swimming lessons over the summer, and her lessons now. Compared to the other kids her age, her ability to move her arms and legs together but separately is way ahead of the others.

And this week, she was telling me about how they are learning football in gym class. She was on a team of 4 with 3 other boys, and she was telling me that she is good at throwing, and that out of the kids in her class, she is one of the only ones who can step forward and throw the ball at the same time.

This brought our conversation to Kung Fu. I told her that it was Kung Fu that has given her that coordination, and the ability to move her body like that. She was a little surprised, but I explained that we do that stuff every class. It’s in our forms, in our techniques, and even sparring. As it dawned on her, that Kung Fu is going to help her in all sports, her face lit up.

I am really excited to see how much Kung Fu will positively influence the rest of her life. (Of course, there is the mental discipline and focus, but that’s for another blog)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny, Chantal noticed that too, she also said people tell her she has big arm muscles, it was cute, because she was concerned about it. I told her most people don't use their arms for much so it's normal for her to have muscle tone. it was so backwards it was funny.