Sunday, October 31, 2010

Acts of Kindness

My kids impressed me yesterday. I feel some guilt because I realized that I don’t always give them enough credit, and don’t always recognize how big their hearts are. I know I hold them to a high standard, and it causes me to miss some of the little things.

Yesterday, we were heading up to my mom and dads, and were waiting for the elevator with a lady who was using the building cart to bring a couple of boxes and stuff upstairs. After pushing the button a few times, it became apparent that someone had locked the elevator on the 4th floor.

I asked the lady what floor she needed, and then I offered to help her carry it up the stairs. Haley was right in there, and so was Maya, even though she was really grouchy. It turns out the lady was getting a head start on moving her daughter into the building, and she was really nice. And extremely grateful, as she would have had to somehow bring up the boxes on her own.

Haley said to me after, that she felt really good for helping, and she had a giant smile on her face. And even though Maya refused to look at me, I knew that she felt good too. So while I volunteered them to help, they jumped right in, and made me proud.

It proves that small things can make a huge difference.

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