Sunday, September 26, 2010

Not much today I'm afraid...

Sometimes these are really hard to write. It isn't like I don't have anything to say either, it's more that there is just too much to put into words without putting myself to sleep (or anyone else for that matter).

I have started the first steps in at least knowing what is going on with my hip. Something happened on May 8th, and the only thing unusual that comes to mind is playing tag at the park that day. It isn't always bad, but I know it's there, taunting me. It affects my training directly, and because I compensate for it, my bad ankle hasn't been feeling too nice. Arg.

I am happy though, that I think I found a direction for one of my classes. I guess that's what happens when you have to train differently, or not really at all. I am looking forward to developing it and seeing it through.

Till next time...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I’m not Acting, I am just pretending

I have been Acting Supervisor for two weeks now. I have the title, but really no authority. I can make the most basic decisions, and all others still have to be run through the big cheese. That’s alright though, as that part gives me less stress. But overall, the day to day stress is getting to me.

I am not going to go into details, as that would just be boring. There is always some stuff we would rather not have to deal with, but have to. I am thinking that this position has been giving me migraines though. Not my typical ones, but with the pain and sensitivity, I am sure that is what is going on.

One of my future bosses in Health Services had mentioned to me that Acting will give me some extra experience, and that moving to their unit will also give me more so in the future I can move into a higher position. But frankly, I am really not sure that is what I want. I like not having the extra stress associated with a higher position. My life is busy, and it satisfies me. I think I will leave any future Supervisor/ Manager positions for the others.

I am excited to be moving to Health Services in the next month or so. It is something that has always interested me, and while it is intimidating to start something new, I can’t wait.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

For the love of...


Yesterday was our annual forms seminar. I have attended them as a cue belt, and as black belt, and I have to say that the learning never stops.

Teaching a form to a someone different, always offers me a new and fresh way of looking at things. And since we all learn differently, and teach differently, there is always great gains ( in my opinion).

We had 8 students, and while it was a good number for the kwoon, I was a little saddened that there weren’t more taking advantage of this opportunity. Oh well, next year.

What was pretty neat though, was that there was only on student who had attended a forms seminar before. It was truly great to see all those eager faces, and I really hope they got something valuable out of it. I know I did.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tree Hugger

Children of the fragile forest gather around
Where bird song seems to be the loudest sound
A place called Summer, green as you could please
A place where we all proudly hug the trees.

Hug trees for the walnuts and sweet apples
For the shade above small country chapels
For giving squirrel and crow a place to live
For the priceless gift of oxygen they give.

Follow your feet across a woodland floor
Beneath the tall and ancient sycamore
Under redwood, under tall blue pine
Come with me and form an endless line.

Join the boy whose name is simply ME
Take your turn and hug a mighty tree
A wish we cast upon an August breeze
A dream to cross the seven sacred seas.

Release it now, just like a big balloon...
A prayer to reach the mountains of the moon
To citizens of Earth alas we say
Go find yourself a tree to hug today!

And if a grownup says Don’t be a fool!
Or Is that what they’re teaching you in school
Just find this poem and read this simple rhyme
It’s cool to HUG a TREE from time to time!

Children this is how the world can be
Making Earth plan A and not plan B
Wear Change! Share Change! Sing Change! Bring Change
And start by hugging a tree!

Todd-Michael St. Pierre