Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sometimes you just have to stick your neck out...

A couple of months ago, I stuck my neck out. Or put my foot in the door, or maybe I just threw my words out there and hoped they would stick where I wanted them too.

Last week, my effort bore fruit. I had been wanting to get into the health field, and before I took classes, I sent out an email to the Health Services unit in my building. And all I did was say that if there was ever any openings, I would like to be considered.

This past week, I was considered, and it looks like I will be working over there come September. I am really excited, and looking back, I made the right decision in throwing that email out there. So with that being said, I am really glad that I put myself out there, as change doesn’t happen without you making it happen.

I have known many people that bemoan their situation, and yet do nothing about it. They are just sitting around hoping that the opportunity will just present itself, and it never does. It is up to us to create our opportunities, and sometimes that means making your dreams known, showing up at the right place consistently, and being patient until the right time presents itself.

Take Kung Fu for example. If you don’t show up to class on a regular basis, and make that commitment, you could very well miss out on an opportunity to learn something fantastic. How easy would it be to miss a new way of seeing things from an instructor that hasn’t been to your class before? Or missing the opportunity to learn from someone like Master McNeill? Or even missing the opportunity to put your own sweat and blood into the place you train?

Great things don’t just happen. Great things are made to happen.


Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

You are a shining example of someone who is living in the moment and being accountable for their actions. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

linda shipalesky said...

Good luck. You give me courage to try the same thing. I have had my eye on a job come this fall and didn't know how to go about getting it. I think I just heard how. Thanks

graham robertson said...

Awesome post. I have nothing but respect for those who realize that the only way to change their lives is for them to do something. Good on you, Sifu.