Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sleep, sweet sleep

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Sleep is something that a lot of us take for granted. Yet, when you cannot fall asleep, the desperation is insurmountable.

Generally, I do not have any problems sleeping. I fall asleep fairly quickly, and I can nap without really trying, so I consider myself lucky. Sleep has a huge affect on us. It is when our bodies heal, and one way we get the energy we need to function.

Some impacts of sleep deprivation include poor concentration, poorer judgement, and a higher risk of injury. It can affect your relationships, how you learn, and how you perform. Long term deprivation is associated with high blood pressure, heart problems, a higher risk of stroke, obesity, and Attention Deficit Disorder. It has a direct impact on anxiety and it can become a vicious circle. Not enough sleep can aggravate anxiety, which can then make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Our environment can affect our sleep as well. Having a tv in your bedroom, having a lot of clutter around us, or having bright lights on as we fall asleep and having pets in our bed can disrupt our sleep.

So what can we do? Have a set routine, with specific waking and lights out times. Keeping that routine as much as possible, sleeping in the dark, so our bodies know it’s time to rest. It helps to minimize clutter, as well as getting some exercise every day, but not to exercise too close to bed time. Avoiding caffeine for approximately 6 hours before bed, as well as not eating a big meal right before bed will help encourage our bodies to rest.

Sleep is important, and we don’t realize it until we become deprived. It effects every aspect of our life. And with school starting right away, our sleep routines should be a priority.

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