- There is nothing like a good workout
- There is comfort in being around like minded individuals
- Pushing yourself to your limits is truly rewarding
- A badge of honour has nothing to do with rank
- A badge of honour usually involves a spectacular bruise or blood
- Actually, every injury incurred during training is pretty much a badge of honour
- Maybe I am a little twisted about my badges of honour, but it proves to me that I pushed myself.
- I have learned to listen to my body - most of the time. Sometimes my brain thinks it knows better.
- Progressing wisely is very much a mental task, which involves a Kung Fu collective to keep it in front of me.
- My Kung Fu family is one you can always count on.
- Lion Dance practices can be really, really fun.
- And really taxing.
- Did I mention the laughs?
- While chaotic, there is a certain peace when in a scrunched up circle of 3 and 4 year olds, with their small enticing faces in yours.
- And in that chaos, I can also find the child in me.
- You are never too old to play dodgeball.
- Learning never stops.
- You can learn from anyone, from any rank, from any age.
- Dedication will get you far.
- As will passion.
- Kung Fu has opened up my eyes to my community, and to the world.
- Empathy and compassion are values that everyone should develop.
- Being humble and egoless, are things that all of humanity needs to strive for.
- Self defense is more than kicking and punching.
- It starts within - and involves making the world a better place for everyone.
- We are all the same inside.
- You are also never too old to play tag.
- It is never too late to start something new, or to find a new challenge.
- Self improvement is a lifelong journey.
- There is always a way to make a positive difference.
There is more, but I will save it for another post, another day...
I like it!
JC Masterson
Love this list!
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