Sunday, November 29, 2009

Passive and Passionate

Teaching kung fu is important to me, as is training for myself. I have a more passive approach to teaching compared to other instructors at the school, and I do worry somewhat that it affects how I am seen.

I have my way of doing things, and the approach I take is mine. However, I find it very difficult to say what is on my mind, and to stand tall when others who are higher in rank are also around. I am a pretty new blackbelt, and I feel I still have a need to prove myself worthy of it to myself and my peers. Wearing it is a privilege not a right, and I hope I never forget that.

I was asked by Sifu Playter, to review the cane form with the I Ho Chuan class on Friday night. I am pretty passionate about this one, as it has kept me going through my ankle injury for the past year. I was nervous, and I feel it impacted my ability to pass on that passion, and inspire the students. However, since we need to cover it again next class, I have another chance to inspire them, and I know I can do better.

I think my personal training is going well though. I am learning a lot of new things, and I am feeling more confident about it. On December 01, I will be once again tackling a combination of pushups and situps to hit the 150 per day mark. I have been doing them every day, however I have no idea how many I am accumulating. It felt really good last year, when I had the assignment the first time, to see how many I could do, and to watch the numbers climb. It was a really good motivator for me.

I also am working on the demo for the Chinese New Year banquet. I am excited about this, but nervous at the same time. However, I think it is going to be awesome no matter what. The kids are excited, and that really helps me a lot.

Until next week...

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