Sunday, November 22, 2009

Great big sigh (or a cute sock monkey!)

I have been feeling restless lately. This usually happens every few years for me, and ends up involving a move, or a new job or a new car, or something relatively drastic.

I love my VW. It’s a fun and yet very reliable car, and I have had no desire to part with it. I am okay with my job (it isn’t my dream job by any means). It has moments that I would love to leave, but I like the hours and the flexibility it offers, not to mention a half decent paycheck. I looked into moving, but the costs are ridiculous. I discovered that my rent is pretty cheap comparatively, so moving is out of the question for now. (I figure I can maybe rearrange some things in my apartment for a different look or something).

So that got me thinking about learning. I would love to learn something new again. Preferably something artistic - painting, chinese calligraphy, or almost anything at this point. I am interested in yoga, belly dancing, and maybe some other fitness class. And while I am still looking into this for the spring, I ended up with a change I wasn’t really looking for.

I traded in my beloved egg, and got a new car. It’s a city golf just like my last one, but it’s newer, has a sunroof, and is silver. We need a fun new nickname now, as “the egg” just doesn’t work so well anymore. I didn’t plan this at all. I got a letter in the mail from the dealer, and they made me an offer that was worth considering. So I considered, and had a shiny new car as of Friday. Funny how things work out. I ended up with a change, without even looking for it.

Too bad I have to go to work tomorrow...

1 comment:

Khona said...

Aww. I smiled every time I saw your 'Peace" bumper sticker. If I ever see one, I'm getting it and you have to put it back on your car :)