Sunday, October 25, 2009


Stress. It affects us in so many ways. It affects us mentally as well as physically. Some stress can be good for us, as it gives us challenges and keeps our brains engaged, but too much and chronic stress can cause us concern.

Positive stress helps us to perform at optimum levels, gives us mental alertness, higher energy, better memory, sharper perceptions, and can also help us to keep our calm under pressure.

Mentally, too much stress can cause us exhaustion, sleeplessness or too much sleeping, changes in appetite, a loss of focus or concentration, irritability or weeping, depression and an inability to cope.

Physically, too much stress can cause numerous aches or pains, including headaches, back pain, abdominal distress, and frequent illness. Stress itself does not cause illness, but it causes our bodies to weaken allowing our most weakest part to become affected.

Some personality traits that can also cause stress. Traits such as shyness and insecurity, inadequacy, and helplessness.

Different people have different coping styles. The first coping style leads to optimal performance. Things such as self care, taking direct action towards the situation, seeking support, adaptability, and time management. The second coping style leads to burnout. Things such as neglect, withdrawal, avoidance, rigidity, and being disorganized. It is important to recognize your coping styles, so that you can manage your stress better.

There are ways to cope with stress, and we need to be aware of them, and practice them if we know we are prone to stress. Things such as relaxation techniques (breathing or visualization), exercise, and humour. Some other things to consider are: Reasoning with yourself, stopping hostile thoughts, distraction, meditation, avoiding overstimulation, asserting yourself, caring for a pet, listening, practicing trusting others, taking on community service, being more tolerant, forgiving, laughing at yourself, developing a sense of spirituality. and pretending that today is your last.

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