Monday, August 31, 2009

There IS kindness out there...

My little car got a bit munched today, and that is the reason I am writing. Not about the car, but about the kind people who tried to make me feel a little better.

When the first person saw me, I was still in shock, and very shaken up. I wasn't hurt, but was pretty upset. Anyway, shortly after she first talked to me, she came back to give me a bottle of water and a kit kat. I was really touched by her kindness, and it meant a lot to me. On one hand, I felt a little pathetic for getting upset, but I also felt humbled by her actions. There are a lot of people nowadays that will simply walk on by, and see right through a person. Acts of kindness go a long way.

The guy at AMA was really nice too. He kept reassuring me that things would be okay, and they would take care of things, and that I was in good hands. Both of these people, plus the dude who came to help me, really put a smile into the mishap.

I feel that if there were more people like that in the world, it would be a much better place. I need to smile more, and to reach out to people, as it has a ripple effect.

My youngest made me smile too over this. We call my car the Egg, because it's white and the license plate is EHG. Anyway, I told her about the yellow paint on my car now, and she says, "Now the egg has a yolk!"

So, I guess my point to this ramble is that there is hope for peace, as long as we keep striving to make it better. That starts with ourselves, and performing these acts of kindness. My thanks to the wonderful people who helped me today.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

And so it goes...

Tomorrow, we head back to school. It is hard to believe that summer is over already, and a new year is beginning.

I am not sure where the time went. We had our vacation this past week and a half, and maybe that is part of my unrest. I know I desperately needed the break, as I felt like I was burning out. And I am feeling some stress now with going back to work. We are short staffed, and so my work load is double. Whatever.

The kids are excited about going back to school though. And the routine will be welcome. We did keep our Kung Fu routine going throughout the summer, which for us, is a nice consistent thing.

The smaller classes made teaching a little more challenging, but it was great. It definitely kept me on my toes, and keeps me adaptable. I had a class outside at Rotary Park on the 19th of August, and it was just great. We had fun, and it made me realize how I missed our outside classes from last summer. The kids ran laps around the pond and we had a couple three legged races. And then we ended the class with watermelon. Yum.

I have said it many times before, but I really enjoy teaching the kids. I had a near miss yesterday though. I had a very near collision with one of the Lil’ Leopards, which resulted in spraining my big toe on my bad foot. But I still have a great left foot, so really, what more do I need?

This week is our yearly renovations at the school, and I always look forward to beginning anew there. It feels fresh, and I feel it pulls us together as a community. I am looking forward to the new start, both with school and the kwoon.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."

Do not pursue the past.

Do not lose yourself in the future.

The past no longer is.

The future has not yet come.

Looking deeply at life as it is.

In the very here and now, the practitioner dwells in stability and freedom.

We must be diligent today.

To wait until tomorrow is too late.

Death comes unexpectedly.

How can we bargain with it?

The sage calls a person who knows how to dwell in mindfulness night and day,

'one who knows the better way to live alone.'

Bhaddekaratta Sutta

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I took my kids to see the demo we put on at Rotary Park yesterday. It was a really different experience for me to be on the sidelines and watching. I really miss participating, as I have done that for a long time.

It gave me a whole different perspective on things though. I know my appreciation for the hard work, dedication and courage of the students to get out there and perform in front of a large group of people was up front and center. It was also nice to be able to sit with my kids, and enjoy the demo, which was really great. The team did the school proud, and I am especially proud to be a part of it.

I didn’t go to the demo on Canada Day, because mentally I wasn’t up to facing not being involved. However, my perspective was skewed, and at least now I am maybe starting to accept my injury, and work within my limits. I do still have a lot of work there though.

I have a chronic injury from 3 years ago, that I have learned to live with and work around. My ribs kept me from a lot of training, and I still cannot do a black belt pushup without pain. But it is something I have accepted. Why is it so hard for me to do that with my ankle? I desperately want to train hard again, and I have really struggled with the concept of progressing wisely with it. I have made a lot of bad decisions with my ankle, and have only prolonged my recovery.

But watching the demo yesterday gave me some inspiration. I will be able to do that again, but I have to be smart about it. I am going to need reminders from my Kung Fu family however, since I can be really idiotic when it comes to my injuries.

The cane form has actually been really good for me in this regard. It isn’t taxing on my ankle at all, and has allowed me to really focus on an aspect of my training without hampering my recovery. It feels good to have been able to push hard with the cane, and feels even better to know I can perfect it without doing damage to myself.

To all of you who participated in the demo on August 1st. You guys were awesome, and made me proud to share those moments with you. (I am going to live vicariously through you for a while if you don’t mind.)