Sunday, April 12, 2009

Please don't let go

I had a different blog written and saved, but I am not sure it says what I wanted it to say. One of the top news headlines this last week, has been the disappearance of Tori Stafford in Ontario. She's eight, and missing.

It makes me absolutely shudder to imagine how the parents must feel. I have never been comfortable with my children out of my sight, and I question some parents in my own neighborhood. I see kids under eight running around outside here all the time, without any supervision whatsoever. Yesterday I found myself wondering if I was just being too overprotective, but I know I am not. I am outside with my kids, experiencing things with them. I don't wonder where they are, or if they are hurt because I can see them.

I would love to be inside getting things done instead, but what's the cost? How would I feel if something happened to one of my kids while I was busy doing something else and not aware of what is happening? Kids of eight or younger have no sense of danger yet, so while we tell them over and over again, to avoid strangers, are they going to? Are they going to stop and look for traffic before they run out after their stray ball? Probably not to either. So I would rather be with them, and know they are safe.

I am not blaming Tori's mom or dad, or stepdad. I am sure these things happen in the blink of an eye. She had a five minute walk home from school, what could happen right? Obviously a lot. I need to hug my children now, and as often as they will allow. What if I never got to hold them again?

What if something happened to the most important person in your life? What if you never got to tell them again, how much you love them, or what if you never got to hold them again? I am not just talking about our kids anymore. A life can be torn apart in a moment. We need to spend more time being thankful for the people in our lives, and make sure they know that.

I feel for Tori's parents. I hope they find her, and never let go.

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