Sunday, October 26, 2008

Handprints Project

This is my new project for Silent River Kung Fu. It started out with an idea, that has branched out into it's final project.

I have already posted my project on Kwoon Talk, but thought I would also post it here too. I had been thinking that we should do something at the end of our fundraiser - Shaolin Panda-monium, to celebrate our accomplishment. I thought it would fun to make a handprint to to mark this very thing.

By putting each of our handprints on a piece of square fabric, we will be able to sew them into a quilt or two to use in a silent auction at the Chinese New Year banquet. I am really excited. I can sew, but the quilting is best left up to my mom. However, I am looking forward to giving this a try.

I have already started to receive squares of 100% cotton (woven) to use in the quilts. But we need more before November 5th. I am not particular about colour, or whether it's patterned or plain. I don't have a preference, as they will be mixed up anyway.

I think the handprint quilt(s) will be a great way to end the fundraiser (which is going to a blast!) and it can bring some good. The money raised from the silent auction will of course be donated to the Benevolent Foundation for distribution to different charities. A good cause all around.

I can't wait to get started!

(The picture is of my youngest daughter - who sewed this quilt this weekend with the help of her Oma. I was truly amazed!)

1 comment:

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

What a cool idea! How about if I donate some material that isn't left over? I don't sew! But I want to contribute. Let me know what you want and I will get it.
Sihing Kichko