Monday, October 13, 2008

Girls rock!

I have to share this because it inspired me, and made me realize just how much farther I have to go in my training. But it was good, really good to watch.

I have always enjoyed watching the UFC, and am very um, engaged in watching it. I get tense, and fidget a lot! I read an article on Gina Carano online and was inspired to watch her MMA fight last weekend, October 4th. It was with Elite XC, which doesn’t do MMA justice. They had one guy who’s style of fighting was “Facesmashing Fu”. What??? I don’t know that I can give them much support when that is considered mixed martial art.

Anyway, it was an amazing fight. This girl is solid, and has some very precise kicks and punches. I want to aspire to that. Not fighting in a cage, but being able to spar with that kind of intensity and precision. A new goal for the near future. Something for me to keep in mind though, is that she is an inch taller than I am, and about 30 pounds heavier. I may not be able to pack a punch the way she can, but one day I will be able to stand up, and spar more confidently.

The video of her fight is on YouTube - I had some issues with uploading the video here. It was Gina Carano vs. Kelly Kobold. Check it out, it's awesome!

Only 3 days until the pre-grading.
And only 9 days until grading day.

1 comment:

Brandi Beckett said...

Good luck Sihing. I know you can do it! Just keep pushing and don't give up.