Sunday, September 21, 2008

Heal already!

During open training yesterday, I realized just how close the grading is. I have to admit, that I am intimidated, frustrated with the slower than expected healing process, and determined to work my butt off and do the best I possibly can.

I am trying to eat well, and sleep as much as I can. I am constantly thinking about Kung Fu, and keeping my mind in the game. For anyone who has experienced an injury, going to class in any capacity is what we need. Sitting on the bench can give you a whole new vantage point from which to learn. By listening to the Sifu's and watching how other people move, it can give you a lot of insight into your own training. By taking these points, committing them to paper/ memory, you can then apply them to yourself.

A lot can also be said for doing your forms in your mind. It can be a fantastic distraction, or a great stress relief. I find that by doing Long or 18 Temple Motions in my head, I can reduce some situational stress. It helps to slow my breathing, and brings me back to the moment. It might not work for everyone, but it works for me.

I have been trying to review the curriculum in my head and visualize each technique as much as I can. There are some that I need to just do to "get it", but it is helping me stay focused.

The countdown is as follows:

33 days (Including weekends)
25 Training days until Grading.

Wow. Breath in. Breath out.


Danielle Edge said...

I think it's great you're visualizing techniques even if you are unable to do them right now. I improved on a lot of things just by visualizing them over and over. Some in my head I couldn't do at first, but like real practice I eventually got it and then when I put it into practice, I could do it. It really does wonders for your mind and your skill!

linda shipalesky said...

I love to visualize too. I do it at night before I go to sleep.Lots of times the places I get stuck are the things I work on the next time I'm going through the form or move.Maybe its a form of night learning, you know like the tapes you play at night and by morning you know all.... well maybe not.I'm chering for you Sihing.