Sunday, August 24, 2008

1000 Sit Ups

I completed the pushup challenge yesterday, but I did sit ups instead due to my recurrent rib injury. Boy am I sore today.

As of yesterday at 2:00 pm, I had completed 660 sit ups. I was at 1000 at 7:30 last night. It is really amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it. (And bodies). The satisfaction from completing them was unbelievable, and I feel really good. The pain? It's good pain. It reminds me of the accomplishment, and has me in awe of how far I can push. Thanks for the challenge Sifus!

"If you have the courage to respect your body - the temple that houses the person that you are - personal mastery will not be far away. Each time you get into the gym for a workout on a day you just don't feel like exercising, you grow a little stronger as a human being. Each time you go out for a run on a cold winter's day when under the covers feels like the best place to be, you actualize your humanity just a little more. Working on improving your physical condition is a great way to improve your character and enrich the quality of your life. Good health is true wealth. What's the point of being the richest person in the graveyard?" - Robin Sharma.

This quote describes for me how I feel, each time I go to Kung Fu when I don't feel like it. I always feel so much better after. As well, as pushing myself physically with the sit ups, I feel so much better for reaching the goal.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I had an epiphany the other day. I have spent the last 6 months focused on September 01. D Day for a bunch of assignments due in order to be considered for the Black Belt grading.

I have done each one with as much gusto as I could possibly muster, and now September 01 is literally around the corner. I was pondering my pushup assignment, which will be completed without any problems. But then it hit me. I can't stop my pushups as of September 01. Not only have they become a habit of my day (I do some first thing when I roll out of bed), but I would lose all the benefits from them if I just quit. So, I will continue my 150 per day, and will continue to grow stronger.

Grading is October 25. I keep this date in front of me at all times, but I have realized that I must continue my hard training until then and beyond. I definitely don't have a problem with that, and have enjoyed the focus from this journey.

I worked exclusively on Kempo this past Saturday during open training. I have put it into a training plan to practice it 5 times a day. In particular, the replacement of a particular kick. I have been doing it one way for the last few years, and now need to change it. I know that by September 15, which is my goal for this kick, it should be second nature. But anyway, it was a good day. The more I focused on a specific thing, the more little things to fix came out. It was truly inspiring.

So, the countdown is as follows.

7 days until September 01.
47 days until October 25.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Back on track...I think

By Friday night, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed with my training and had some serious doubts as to my ability to grade this year. I was afraid that because I do still have a lot to work on, that I couldn't possibly be ready on time. Especially when looking at the numbers.

I got home after class, put my kids to bed, and distracted myself by doing some artwork. Nothing special, but it took my mind off things. I have been thinking about how much Kung Fu is a part of my life. I have been training for 5 a half years, both my girls are in it, and I know I would be lost if I couldn't train anymore.

So Saturday morning arrives, and the Lil Leopard class is the start of my day. I teach it with Sifu Robertson, and having the opportunity to teach them is an opportunity of a lifetime. It was a very challenging class, as they were very distracted and didn't have a lot of focus. But they were so fun. And they inspired me again, as to why I am in Kung Fu.

I have always taken my training very seriously, but teaching them allows me to see it from a completely opposite angle. It needs to be fun for them, while teaching them some basics. The constant movement and fun did wonders for my soul and my perspective on my training has a new light. I needed to take that step back and find the joy again.

I am so thankful for those kids. They help make Kung Fu (for me) very rewarding.

15 training days until September 01.
55 training days until October 25.
I am almost there.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Time is closing in

59 days left to train until Grading. This is conducive to training 5 days a week. Master Brinker has said, that we should be ready to grade for September 01. So training 5 days a week, that leaves only 19 days left to train until then. Yikes! This tells me to refine my training plan, and to also keep a close eye on my ribs. Meaning to be careful, not careless.