Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Countdown

On Friday, Master Brinker asked us how many training days we had left until our Black Belt grading. Guess what, none of us could answer it off hand.

I haven't been keeping track other than the looming date of October 25th. However, I decided to figure it out and here are the results from tomorrow, Monday July 21, 2008.

Days until grading - 97
Days without weekends - 72.

So, training 5 days a week only leaves me 72 days until the grading. Wow. That isn't much time. Now look at the September 01 deadline for pushups etc.

Days until September 01 - 42

So as it stands, I have 6000 more pushups/ situps to complete. That I can do easily, as long as I keep up with my schedule.

So there I have it, in black and white my deadlines. Only 72 days left. Here I go.

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