Sunday, July 27, 2008

The values we learn

On Thursday this week, I was reminded of the values that Kung Fu helps instill in our children. I had a trying time with Maya who had a pretty rough day. She had a huge meltdown at daycare, and then had another one when I picked her up from there to go to Kung Fu. (And this was the same day that during a conversation with my best firend, we were discussing how much better she seems to be at handling her emotions lately.)

I managed to keep her meltdown from getting out of control and she was pretty calm by the time we got to the Kwoon. She had something to eat, and was listening to her favourite songs. So when she tried to climb back into the car when I dropped her off, I had had enough. I started to cry, and didn’t quite know how to handle her. Ultimately, I managed to get her to stand on the sidewalk while I parked my car, and while waitiing her out, she gave up and went in for her class.

Still being lost, I called the studio and spoke with Sifu Freitag, who after asking if I was okay, proceeded to reassure me that they would watch Maya and take care of things.

I have a guilty nature for whatever reason, and so felt just horrible to be dropping Maya off in that state of mind. I was sure that she was going to give them a hard time too, and what kind of a mother was I for dumping my child off for someone else to deal with?

On the way home to make a really quick supper for both girls, I took a step back, and reminded myself of what Kung Fu teaches our kids. I want Maya (and Haley) to learn respect, focus, and discipline. So I wasn’t dumping my child off, I was leaving her in a class, where the instructors are very capable of handlng this sort of thing, and ultimately teach them the very things I want them to learn. So I wasn’t a bad parent, although I still felt like one. I was a parent taking care of things - herself and her children.

My girls have learned so much and have benefitted so much from Kung Fu, as have I. It turns out, that Maya had a great class, and they didn’t have any problems with her. What a relief.

67 days left to train until grading.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Countdown

On Friday, Master Brinker asked us how many training days we had left until our Black Belt grading. Guess what, none of us could answer it off hand.

I haven't been keeping track other than the looming date of October 25th. However, I decided to figure it out and here are the results from tomorrow, Monday July 21, 2008.

Days until grading - 97
Days without weekends - 72.

So, training 5 days a week only leaves me 72 days until the grading. Wow. That isn't much time. Now look at the September 01 deadline for pushups etc.

Days until September 01 - 42

So as it stands, I have 6000 more pushups/ situps to complete. That I can do easily, as long as I keep up with my schedule.

So there I have it, in black and white my deadlines. Only 72 days left. Here I go.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

In passing

When I decided to blog, I committed to writing once a week. I haven't had much in the way of problems doing this, but today I found myself at a loss. I couldn't stay focused for more than two minutes, however now that I have started, my thoughts are coming.

Sihing Prince wrote about the Dancing Guy, whom I have seen many, many times on Campsite road. I find him entertaining as a rule, and I always smile. However today, I found myself wondering about him and what kind of a person he is? The girls and I went for a bike ride to the grocery store, and had the chance to pass him on the sidewalk. What scared me, is that I have always seen him from the safety of my locked car. Now I had to pass him in person, with my girls in tow. He could be absolutely harmless, but how could I know?

This got me thinking about an incident this past week too. I feel I shouldn't have much to fear where I work, as I am surrounded by RCMP members. However, as I pulled into my parking lot, I noticed a woman wandering around. I watched her head towards the gas station, and once I had gotten out of my car, she was heading in my general direction. I was really thankful that a member got out of her cruiser at the same time, and this woman approached her for money/ help instead of me. It really got me worried about all the staff in my building that probably wouldn't know what to do in a wiggly situation like that.

I have taken Kung Fu for many years, and I feel relatively confident that I could protect myself. But the biggest battle is avoiding those situations all together. I hope that somehow, through my training, and by leading by example, that more people will be aware of the possible dangers out there, that we don't usually give a second thought to.

As it turned out, Dancing Guy passed us without saying a word. I don't like that I made a potential judgement against him, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


What is more peaceful than a played out puppy?