Sunday, May 25, 2008

I am...Super Mom!

If I was a superhero...

I would have some pretty amazing powers. This thought started a couple of weeks ago when my oldest daughter said I was “Super Mom”. I was wearing the only cape I own - it’s knitted and warm, and hardly has superhero qualities. My best friend also gave me a book on building a robot army and so I was morivated to reread another book I have, called “The Action Heroine’s Handbook”.

Now if I was a superhero, my cape would have to be able to repel bullets, repair itself, and give me the ability to become invisible. And of course it would have to be black, like Batman.

I think that I would also need some serious butt kicking boots. And probably a mask too. Now, I technically have some ninja like skills already - they do need lots of work stilll, and they will only get better. As a mom, I also already have eyes on the back of my head, and a sixth sense for when my girls are getting into trouble. I have an amazing ability to juggle many tasks at once, which is a must for a Super Mom. I have a zippy car which can also hold a lot of stuff. Plus, being white, my car has an uncanny ability to camoflauge in the winter.

In addition to the skills I already have, I think I need to work on my grappling skills, rappling skills, flying skills and wall climbing. I think I would need to be able to run very fast when needed, and have the strength to lift a heavy vehicle. (I’m thinking rescue here). I would like to have the ability to project a hologram of myself, so that I can actually be in two places at once. Beneficial when it comes to kids ( and bad guys). I would want to be able to drive any vehicle whether it’s a motorcycle or a monster truck, to operating a raft in white water rapids or flying a helicopter.

I think an arsenal of toys would be essential too. Think Batman or James Bond. Toys, lots of toys.

I could be a superhero, but I think in today’s world I would be way too busy. I would need more trusty sidekicks than I could count. So I guess I will stick with the SuperMom status my kids have labelled me with, and the powers that go with it. Not to mention a future of Kung Fu so I will be ready to intimidate those boys that will eventually want to date my girls. I think their training in Kung Fu will help them there too, and will give them some advance for if and when they become SuperMoms.

Until next time....KAPOW!
(Yes, I might be a little geeky, and I am okay with that).

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