Sunday, March 23, 2008

Courage to Change

I have been thinking about change, and how important it is to maintain a routine and structure. Not to mention the courage it takes to face the change and all of the unknowns that come with it.

We are going through a change as a family. Not a big one to most people, but change in our house is not one to go without stress. My girls are going to a new daycare/ out of school care starting April 1st. It will simplify things for me, and clear up a couple of other major issues that have risen.

However, my girls don’t handle change well. And to a point, neither do I. They get pretty stressed, but being so young, do not have the same abilities to deal with it. Both have had amazing meltdowns/ breakdowns over the last week. And I am not sleeping well, knowing what is coming. Don’t get me wrong, I am not looking for sympathy. I just want to provide some background.

The only thing changing is the daycares. They will go on the same bus, go to the same school, and go to Kung Fu twice a week. The only change that they have to deal with, is new kids before and after school.

I truly believe that kids need routine and structure. As an adult, I still need that. There is comfort in continuity. I have always seen Kung Fu as a place that is safe from bullying and from criticism. It is an amazing place for any child to grow, and to develop the self confidence they need to succeed. There is no winning or losing there, as you only compete against yourself. You gain when you push yourself, and you stay in one place if you don’t.

I realized this week, that my girls, and all students for that matter get a great sense of routine and structure which is vital to transitioning through change. The same instructors teach the classes, so the kids aren’t faced with someone they don’t really know or trust yet. The classes are at the same time, on the same days. And most of the kids are there all the time as classmates. They have that continuity and the structure of the classes to give them focus. The kids can leave all their worries at the door, and just be safe and secure. The classes provide structure and set rules as to what to expect. There is always a beginning (warm up), and middle ( the class), and an end (bowing out). Routine and structure give kids/ students something to depend on. It provides a sense of calm and control, and can relieve stress and anxiety.

Now I say this, and am also aware that my youngest had the most amazing meltdown after her class this past Thursday. I know it will happen, and no matter the routine it will continue to happen. However, I can only imagine how much worse it could be if we didn’t have the routine and structure in place.

And lastly, I know I am babbling, I am thankful for the understanding from all the instructors at Silent River Kung Fu. We want our kids to be on their best behavior all the time, and it can be hard to accept the fact that they have to deal with their stress somehow. I hope I am not judged on my parenting, and that my girls will continue to get stronger mentally. The big change happens in a little over a week. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Adam Schermbrucker said...

Excellent Post Sihing!

I came up through the childrens program, and I never really understood why I felt so safe and secure ther, until now.

Our Kwoon has kept basically the same routines for many years.
This is why I was so stunned to have new mats in. The first thing I thought when I saw them was "no." I never did like change...

Thank you for pointing this out!

Sifu Schermbrucker