Sunday, March 30, 2008

This is it.

I have written my letter to Mother Earth and posted it on my project blog - you can see it from my links. Last night was Earth Hour, and from what I have read, it was a relative success. The following statistic was in an article on CBC.
"The Thai branch of the WWF said the campaign in Bangkok reduced the load on the electrical system by 73.34 megawatts and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 41.6 tons."

Can you imagine that? 41 tons of carbon dioxide in one hour. It amazes me. We live in a world today that is all about excess. We can never seem to have enough. We are never satisfied, and so continue to destroy everything around us.

My daughter drew a picture/ map the other day on what she wanted for her farm when she grew up. I felt so sad because I don't know that the land will be there for her, let alone be sustainable for a couple of little crops and all her future lizards.

While I am doing what I can, and there is still so much more that I can do for our planet, it isn't enough. So I am trying to raise more awareness. On one hand, I would like to hide in my bubble and pretend that everything is okay, I just can't anymore. The state of our world today, with it's wars and it's destruction, just makes me sad. Some would say it's just a cycle, that global warming isn't really happening, as it happened a long time ago too. But my point is, I want the very best for my kids.

This isn't where I was going to go with this today. Actually I had no idea what was going to come out of blogging, and just figured that I would see where this proverbial pen took me.

I argued with my dad last night over this Earth Hour thing. I don't debate well in person and am not sure I made a difference in what I said to him. However, I hope I gave him food for thought. And that is my whole approach with my project. I just want all of us to at least think about what we do and how we do it. So much is taken for granted.

One of the things I used to love as a kid, was to run around in the grass without shoes, catching bugs and just being a kid. My kids don't really have that anymore. Who knows what garbage or glass is hidden, or what diseases the insects are carrying. I am not comfortable leaving them outside without direct supervision because of all the dangers that lurk. Now maybe these were all there all those years ago, and perhaps we just have so much more awareness of all the evils out there. But I used to go outside after breakfast and come back when I was hungry. I would be gone all day!

It is a very different world today, and I can't say if it is that we just have more awareness now. But I want more for my kids, and their kids. Every small gesture can have a huge impact, I truly believe that.


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