Sunday, March 6, 2022

I AM A Student


I love when a seemingly simple concept is introduced in class and my mind gets blown. Recently, I had the privilege of a applying lesson in which I spent the whole class with my tongue hanging out while I tried to wrap my mind around something I thought I already understood. One recent class focused on projecting forward in a form, another on chi and sticky hands (that one felt awesome!)

The chi class was particularly powerful for me, as my oldest had just been commissioned to write a poem for a dance event in Edmonton. This poem was fresh in my mind, and the words painted such vivid images that I found really focused my chi, and it was so, so strong. I have never experienced that amount of heat flowing from my body before and it left me in awe.

That’s what I love about this journey. It truly never ends, as long as I keep my ego in check and I keep my cup empty. However, without my instructors, I wouldn’t be on this journey and for them I am grateful.

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