Monday, June 22, 2020


It can take courage to face new challenges, and a belief in yourself to follow through. I know that we all saw this firsthand when the kwoon shut down, and we had to rethink the way we approached our training. So here we are now, a week into our phased in re-opening, and I am slowly finding my feet. I’m not feeling as creative as I was 2 weeks ago, as I have different types of classes running at the same time, and it’s challenging to keep the guys at home engaged and having fun at the same time as the guys in front of me.
But it’s a challenge, and one I am grateful to have. It warmed my heart and soul last week to see everyone finally face to face (1 hockey stick apart), and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. My training needs to amp up a bit again, as I know I haven’t been working as hard as I can. It that I also know is doable.
Let’s continue to keep each other safe and healthy

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