Sunday, September 29, 2019


I had the opportunity to walk in the March for Climate Change this past Friday, and in was amazed at the turnout. While the rally/ protest itself doesn’t do anything, it does bring the awareness to our political parties that, we the people and our future generations want something done now. I was proud to see both my kids there on their own volition, and that they stood for what they believe in.

I would like to see more diversity with our economy so that we are much less reliant on our fossil fuels, I would like to see more alternatives for energy, more trees protected and planted, our waterways cleaned and protected and so much more. There is no planet B.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

15 Years

If I had only 15 years left to live, I would try to cherish every moment I had. I would travel more, take in the outdoors more, and I would spend more time with family and friends. I would try to let things go, and focus on the good things. I would try to show kindness to everyone I met, and hope that it ripples outwards. I would try to be the best version of myself that I could be. But it doesn’t really matter how many years I may have, as we never truly know. So I need to apply these things whether I have 15 years or 50 years to live. I have one life, and I don’t want any regrets.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Different, yet the same.

For a while now, Sifu Brinker has been saying that we should be standing ‘in’ our legs, not ‘on‘ our legs. And Sifu Dennis has been telling us to sit in our high chairs, as if we are sitting on the edge with our knees slightly bent.

I have been looking at them as two separate things, but a week ago I suddenly started to see them as a very similar thing. I spoke with Sifu Hayes about it to see if I was on the right track and he totally made sense of it for me. As did Sifu Brinker yesterday when I asked him about it.

If you stand rigidly, either in your stance or just standing around, chances are your knees are pretty much locked and you will not be stable. Alternatively, if you bend your knees slightly and allow your feet to root into the ground you will be a force to be reckoned with. Your shoulders will sit slightly forward from your hips and your butt will not be sticking way out. You should feel centred and strong.

This was eye opening for me and has made a big difference in how I am looking at and practicing both my Kung Fu and Tai Chi. This is truly a lifelong journey, and there is so much to learn!

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Last week I received a couple of amazing gifts. Gifts that I wouldn’t have been aware of even existing if I hadn’t started Kung Fu all those years ago.

We performed a couple of lion dance sat Brookwood School for the kindergarten classes and it was great. But what made it even better was the class that was in the gym before the kindergartens. I can’t say exactly what class it is, but they were small, cute and full of energy and smiles.

On the first day, I received a hug from one little girl after letting her pet the lion and talking to her. That made my day! Then on Tuesday they were there again, and with a girl who hadn’t been there the day before. Her teacher told me that she was non-verbal, but it just didn’t matter. She was very focused on the lion and touching him, before she moved on to the drum. This sweet little thing was determined to move the drum and used all her might. I was very happy to just sit with her and hang out. Then we gave them a small lion dance, with a quiet drumming and they just soaked it all in.

If it hadn’t been for Kung Fu and lion dancing, I wouldn’t have gotten to experience these amazing little kids. I am so lucky!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Goodbye Dog...

Today is the last day of the year of the dog. My year has been an interesting one and while overall it has been good, it isn’t ending where I thought it would.

My numbers are ok I guess. Could be better, and they could be worse. I really enjoyed learning the Tai Chi Broadsword form, and I will continue to practice it. I have also seen many improvements with my 18 Temple Motions. And, I am looking forward to our banquet this coming weekend.

Over the last few months I have seen myself in more pain due to my fibromyalgia and that has been frustrating. And today, I learned from my recent MRI that I have 2 bulging discs in my back as well as some arthritis. Woohoo! Oh well, I know what I am dealing with and why, so that is a good thing. I have learned during my years of training that when you can’t do something, there is always something else to work on.

I am not in the I Ho Chuan this coming year, but you will see me around. I have enjoyed training with all of you, and wish you all the best in your future training. To the new guys joining the year of the pig, you will have an amazing year - just try to stay true to the program. Reach out when you need help, and offer help when you see it’s needed. I have no doubt you will not regret your journey.

Happy New Year

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The artist(s?) in our home...

We express ourselves in multiple ways. Through our speech, our gestures, our facial expressions, our body language, our attire, our pastimes. I am sure I am missing some, but you get my point. Sometimes we express ourselves on purpose, and sometimes without even realizing it.

I have recently discovered an artist, of whom I love her work. Her name is Yayoi Kusama and she is an 89 year old Japanese artist obsessed with dots and pumpkins. I would give my left leg to see her work in person. Ok, that’s a little extreme, but I am truly fascinated and delighted.

Along with discovering her work and with my oldest daughter immersed in her Fine Art program, I find myself wanting to delve into art. We have recently acquired some local work as well, and I feel truly alive when I look at them.

I feel privileged to be learning the art of Kung Fu. And that’s what it is, an art. It’s not a sport or a hobby. It’s an art in danger of being lost, due to the rage of things like the UFC. Practicing the art of Kung fu, is a lifelong endeavour, one that fills the soul, and keeps the body moving. The never ending journey of learning will keep our minds young and sharp.

I am so grateful to be learning Kung Fu, as well as having art at my disposal