Sunday, December 30, 2018


“...Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise....”
- Maya Angelou, Still I Rise

Into every journey, there are ups and downs. Waves that rise and fall. Clouds that come and go.

My wish for you, is that you find the strength to keep moving forward when you think you can’t go any further. I wish that in the darkness you can still see the light and that you can feel the warmth in a smile. I wish for you to find a way to dig deeper, to ask for help when you need it, and to offer support when you can. I wish for you to know that you are strong, much more than you think you are. I wish for you to know you are cared for, you are thought of, and you are missed when you are not around. I wish for you to always be kind, and to answer anger and intolerance with kindness. I wish for you to have all that you need, enough food, enough shelter, enough warmth and love.

I am sending a smile your way, with warm thoughts to carry you through. You are not alone. We are all here for you. And you are safe.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Titles can be hard...

I am a little apprehensive about the banquet and all of the practices leading up to it. I have been in a lot more pain/ discomfort lately and I have difficulty getting through 2.5 hours of teaching classes. Now, the banquet isn’t a class, but a long day like that takes its toll. Even this past Saturday was really challenging to get through. But, we shall see how things go right? Flares come and go and maybe the banquet will be on a good day...

So that’s where I am at. I try to stay as positive as I can, and take each day as it comes. I have been on this path long enough to know that there are always some bumps in the road but that road does have its smooth spots. I have learned to focus on other things when I hit a bump, and if I stay focused on the path, accept the bumps or detours then all will be good. As it should be.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Black Belt

Almost 10 years ago, I took off my second degree brown belt, and tied a black belt around my waist. To this day, I am still earning that belt. It took a lot of sweat blood and tears before I was able to earn it. And that journey continues as I earn the right to keep it tied around my waist.

My actions, my attitude, and my approach will determine my path. Respect is earned, it is not a right. My actions, my attitude and my approach will either earn that respect or not. My instructors have spent and continue to spend their time and their expertise teaching me. That is a gift that I will always cherish. They spent a lot of time helping me on my path to black Belt, and each time I graded for my next degree, that fact was not lost. Time and time again, they are there to help me.

There is so much knowledge between the masters in our school, it is difficult not to be humbled. I look up to them and I hope that one day, with hard work, discipline and respect, I might have half the knowledge that they do